Have any question? 0281 2459021 / 2490939 / Student Verification-> svmvmcollege@gmail.com
Mobile: +91 9313103837 Email: mvmcollegerajkot@gmail.com

Prominent Members of the Governing Body

Management’s Message

We feel immense pleasure to introduce to you the M.V.M College of Comm.,Mgt & I.T., Rajkot. This is the first and foremost integrated institutional campus at Rajkot, in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat State providing B.C.A,B.B.A. & B.Com education exclusively to girls.We have a clear vision to take the institution to new heights with quality education with the use of technology and resources, based on innovative learning methodologies including constant improvement, cultivation of practical skills and an unwavering commitment to academic quality.In present time characterized by competition, creativity and innovativeness, the managerial challenges are unique. The reputation of college draws large mass of students from in and around the city for admission, and permit us to accommodate all desirous students.

Our programs are designed with emphasis to groom students to face the challenges of complex global environment and to transform them into tomorrow's successful personalities who would remain dedicated to their tasks. The focus of our education is on women empowerment. We intend to make learning a focused, fruitful and enjoyable experience for students.

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